- Memorial Park playground equipment installation complete
- Double-lung transplant recipient describes fight with virus
- John King breaks down latest Covid-19 US trends
- Dr. Birx has a warning for rural Americans
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BLOWING ROCK — Blowing Rock Mayor Charlie Sellers announced on July 26 that the installation of the new playground equipment in Memorial Park is complete and shared some photos of the completed project in his newsletter, “From the Desk of the Mayor.”

Parkway to reopen Price Park, Linville Falls campgrounds

Tweetsie Railroad 'ordered' to close by NCDHHS, additional events, including Ghost Train, canceled
Kids like to fish, too

Indoor rock climbing keeps climbers active

Rock climbing provides physical, mental challenges
Campers are happy with High Country
- Live Music
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- iPhone怎样能看YouTube
- Festivals
- Sports
- Movies

A sergeant in World War II, a member of the U.S. House of Representatives and former Lieutenant Governor of the state of Washington, Joel Pritchard achieved many things in his life. One accomplishment that still has an enduring fanbase is the sport pickleball, a growing game with many fans i…

The High Country's arts

Music in the Valle hopeful to host 2025 summer concert series

Lees-McRae FORUM provides enriching summer entertainment

Blue Bear Mountain Music Festival slated for September

Making the most of your time in the High Country

Arts and history promoted by Boone Cultural Resources programs
- Restaurants
- Breweries
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- Nightlife
- Bars
- Catering

A sampling of High Country craft breweries
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High Country wineries

Cooking for a holiday crowd

Brewing up a storm
Winter wineries make warm evenings

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Wine not? High Country quenches your winery needs
- Blue Ridge Wine and Food Festival
- Daniel Boone Native Gardens
- MerleFest
- Festivals

The natural beauty of the Appalachian Mountains is an obvious subject for artists in the High Country. With the mountains able to be a striking focus or a gorgeous background for a piece, it has led to the High Country becoming a hotbed for artistic expression for decades.

Daniel Boone Native Gardens considered a ‘hidden gem’ in Boone

Grandfather Mountain State Park

Hanging around — in the sky

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Motorcycling on the Blue Ridge
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- Running

Double-lung transplant recipient describes fight with virus
After being placed on a ventilator for six weeks due to Covid-19, Mayra Ramirez was so sick she needed a double-lung transplant. Ramirez and the surgeon who performed the operation, Dr. Ankit Bharat, share their experience.

John King breaks down latest Covid-19 US trends

Dr. Birx has a warning for rural Americans

10-year-old creates video journal while fighting coronavirus

Dr. Fauci gives his thoughts on another potential lockdown

When you can expect to get a Covid-19 vaccine

See how risky your choices are right now

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PHOTOS: Hebron Rock Colony

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Online Features

Foot Care Tips for Those With Diabetes

65th Birthday Brings Key Decisions Regarding Health Care

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